We are Emotional Beings – That Think! In that order……

It wasn’t so simple to describe this talk ‘in a nut shell’. There are a whole trees worth of ‘nut shells’ exploring the knowledge we didn’t know we knew, which are embedded in our emotional responses to conditions. That’s insights into deep truths as well as wise responses to danger and threat. There are personal examples illustrating the points.

Note: This talk refers to another one given during the same online retreat by Rev. Saidō of Telford Buddhist Priory, titled Do Good for others and the story of the Bamboo Acrobat, which can be found via this link.

Hidden Art – The Last Fore-edge Painter

Be amazed, be very amazed.

The Other Sock!

How good is it, to finally find the other sock! Somehow, all at once, all is well. This morning as I, once again, peered into the murk that is the narrow space between bed and wall, my missing bed sock. So very dear to me. Knitted by a fellow monk, she is adept and generous. My mental world brightened, hope restored that once lost, missing socks (and gloves,) will eventually be found.

Socks and gloves, feet and hands. They come in pairs, they work in pairs, when in action be that walking or climbing up a ladder. Scrambling on the high fells and sitting down for lunch there they are, working as a coordinated team. Teamwork every hour of the day.

Lots to be glad and grateful for. Now to the kitchen, to keep in mind – the team in action! Along with the team that is our brain. More on this another time.

A Well Ventilated – Field

These ‘difficult times’
bring random opportunities
to meet in
‘interesting’ ways

48 hours in the Derbyshire Dales in a huge field; variously under blinking stars, fluffy clouds, grey skys. And last evening an atmospheric hill top sunset – pitched up beside a motor home from Antwerp. A rare opportunity to meet with lay sangha for refuge, and renewal.

What fun, what joy our long chats, interrupted by short naps, and laughter, and flying insects and crawling ones too. I am no stranger, from decades ago, to camping. Which is just as well. Ah! the, well ventilated, great outdoors!

Little Enjoyments

"I would simply like to reclaim an old and, alas, quite unfashionable private formula: Moderate enjoyment is double enjoyment. And: Do not overlook the little joys!"

Above words by Hermann Hesse (July 2, 1877–August 9, 1962) from a 1905 essay titled “On Little Joys,” found in My Belief: Essays on Life and Art – now out of print.

Yes, the sight of Blackberries in the hedges. The Buzzard’s cry. The smell of a second hand bookshop! Little enjoyments. Indeed.