8 thoughts on “Practical Advice for Parents + Everybody Else”

  1. I am reminded of Ryokan who would get lost in his play with the village children. They are such wonderful windows into impermanence and delight in the moment. Why does it take so much effort to get back to our original state?

    I hope your day is joyful and filled with play!

    Many bows,

  2. ‘Practice seeing your children (partner, neighbour, co worker etc.) as perfect just the way they are. Work at accepting them as they are when it is hardest for you to do so.’

    Love is strong enough to hold anything but its structure can be so fragile. Even after 47 years of marriage I’m still working on it.


  3. Thanks Enida. Just takes a moment to go on to what we once knew. Try this: Skip. Remember skipping down the sidewalk on the way to school, or more likely on the way back from school. Or holding hands with a friend or a parent, and skipping and hopping along. This works, but not everybody understands in the adult world…..

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